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Josh Daggett

3 Big Reasons to Attend our Upcoming Counseling Conference

If you haven't heard, our church is hosting a Counseling Conference on January 21-22, 2022 and we're pretty excited about it. We're praying God does big things in our two days together!

But WHY should you attend our counseling conference? Why give up your time and money to attend a conference dealing with addiction? I'll give you three big reasons you should attend our conference in January:

Reason #1 - Refreshment for your Soul

by God's will I may come to you with joy and be refreshed in your company. - Romans 15:32

Working out our Christian faith in this sin-cursed takes encouragement from other believers in Jesus...lots of encouragement! Addiction is everywhere around us (and it's desires are in us!). I don't know about you, but dealing with addiction on a day in and day out basis can be so wearisome to one's soul, especially if you are the number one caregiver for someone who is suffering from addiction.

Our conference aims to be a big refreshment to all who attend through the preaching and teaching of God's Word and the fellowship of the saints. We aim to refresh your soul with God's truth!

Reason #2 - Education for your Soul

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15

One of the major reasons to attend the conference is for the educational benefit it will bring to your mind. The scripture calls believers to know the subjects they are dealing with, while bringing God's truth into those subjects with skill, experience, and care.

Dealing with addiction effectively involves taking God's Word and filling our minds with it's powerful truths. Our conference aims to be on the cutting edge of different addiction topics, addressing them with God's Word, God's Spirit and the life-transforming Gospel. Our conference aim to fill up the minds of men and women with the awesome Word of God!

Reason #3 - Application for your Soul

Apply your heart to instruction and your ear to words of knowledge. - Proverbs 23:12

The Christian life without practical application leads to hypocrisy, pride and all kinds of evil. In the world of addiction, Gospel application is especially important as men and women get loose from life-long habits and the destructive chains of sin.

Our conference will be filled with practical application for those in the world of addiction. We'll be applying the Gospel to those surrounded by addiction and those ministering in addiction ministries of all sizes and shapes. We aim to apply the Gospel in specific and wonderful ways!

Refreshment. Education. Application.

It sounds like a great conference! We couldn't be more excited and we hope you can join us in January.

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