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Josh Daggett

Harvest Offerings: The Opportunity to Worship Through Generosity

They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share... - 1 Timothy 6:18 God is generous and He calls His people to reflect His generosity. God is rich in mercy (Eph. 2:4), rich in grace (Eph. 2:7), rich in glory (Eph. 3:16), and the rich owner of all material things everywhere for all time (Ps. 50:10). Jesus was rich, yet for our sake, he became poor so that we might become rich through Him in salvation. (2 Corinthians 8:9)

God is generous and He calls His people to reflect His generosity. If someone has come to truly understand what Jesus Christ has done for them at the Cross, everything changes. Jesus turns selfish people into generous people. Jesus turns materialistic people into people who would give anything to have Him and heaven. You can't encounter Jesus Christ and look at money or possessions the same way. Don't believe me? Just ask the Rich Young Ruler (Matt. 19), the "wee little man" Zaccheus (Lk. 19), or Barnabus (Acts 4) among millions upon millions of others.

God is generous and He calls His people to reflect His generosity. God has blessed Living Waters Fellowship with His radical generosity. Over the years, we are a church that has experienced a series of supernatural miracles as God has provided through radical generosity. Whether it was the $20,000+ offering in 2009, the series of miraculous $5,000 gifts in 2016 & 2017, or consecutive gifts of $100,000/$200,000/$200,000 in 2018, 2019 & 2020, we have been witnesses of God's incredible ability to provide for His people when they step out in faith.

God is generous and He calls His people to reflect His generosity. As a church, we have another opportunity to step out in faith. The bottom line is that we are praying God provides $5,000 for Stephen Moore and his Huxley church plant (to help them get started) and $500,000 to help us finish off the renovation of our new church building. Can God do that? Yes! Will He do it through the financial sacrifice of His church? Yes!

November 14th will be our first Harvest Offering. All giving that day (above and beyond your regular giving) will go to Stephen Moore and his Huxley Church Plant.

November 21st will be our second Harvest Offering. All giving that day (above and beyond your regular giving) will go to the Renovation of our New Church Building.

We're putting ourselves out there by Faith. We're fasting & praying. We're begging God to stir in the hearts of people at Living Waters Fellowship and beyond. We're asking God to once again, display His amazing Glory & power as Jehovah Jireh our PROVIDER.

Will you join me in prayer? Will you join me in asking God to do some great things on November 14th & November 21st for His Glory? Will you ask God to show you what a generous gift might look like for you this year? God is generous and He calls His people to reflect His generosity. Yes Lord! Make it so.

Josh - Acts 20:24

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